
Healthy living.

Hey loves!

I've finally finished babysitting my nephew - not that I didn't like it - I just think it's a sad, sad way to spend my saturday night. Now i'm relaxing. My dad's at a party (yes, my dad's at a party, while I sit alone at home and drink Jolly soda..) So I'm home-alone. My sis and one of her friends is in her room, but they don't come out much, so I'm basically home-alone, which I absolutely loooveee. Sometimes it's just nice to be alone, and be able to do what you want and think, without anyone interrupting you. I really enjoy that. I went to the opening of Horsens harbors new clubhouse/restaurant. They served too many delicious appetizers. Seriously, it's so lovely, but of course, really fattening.. Why does fat in food even exist.. It ruins so many good experiences. Well, I ate cake… Yes, Anna ate cake! And it was perfect! And then I went for a run, so I think it evens it a bit out.

I often think, that people make everything too complicated, you know. Like: You can't eat any unhealthy - Healthy living, you shouldn't eat after 8, you shouldn't eat bread or potatoes or pasta. I sincerely believe, that if you eat varied and exercise often, then there's nothing wrong with eating cake or candy now and then. - Maybe it's even healthy! Atleast it's healthy for the soul, and my sis actually told me today, that

1: Eating something unhealthy (cake, ice cream, candy) makes it easier for you to keep up with the training!

2: If you for instance eats a piece of cake, your metabolism increases and makes you burn off ( not sure it's the right word, but it was what the dictionary said) more!

3: Sometimes it's good for you to give in on your cravings..

Me and Julie has been very into all that healthy living. - Not in a good way, though. In the start it almost got out of hand, and turned into some kind of eating disorder. Luckily, we know much better know and is beginning to understand it, and everything. But wow, we thought a lot about it.
The sad thing is, this feeling never really disappears. You know, almost every time I eat something, I feel fat, and I'm actually in a constant fear of getting fat. Sometimes I actually catch myself in thinking, that nobody'll like me if i don't have this thin, well-trained body. That if I don't have it, then I'm like, nothing, and ugly, and it's absolutely terrible. In some way I think it's just part of being a teenage girl in the 2000s. This constant fear, of not being good enough, and I think everyone has it in some way. - Even those pretty, popular girls and boys. It's a natural thing, it's just important that it doesn't get out of hand. You should also have moments, where you look at yourself in the mirror and just go: Damn, I am pretty. or " you look good today" It's those little things you say to yourself that means something, and I promise you. If you narrow down the amount of candy, cake and all that stuff, and just eat balanced and varied meals 3-6 times a day, while doing something active each day, it can't end up that wrong.

Just don't over think it.

- Anna

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