
 The start of Anna Buhl

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a very long time, but it started out as another one of my ideas, that never really happen. The whole blog thing, started with making a blog with 4 or 5 of my nearest friends, called NAB (not another blog) and that's kind of my debut. Well, as you probably figured, that didn't work out. Two/three out of five actually showed interest for the blog, but I kinda felt like I was the only one that really wanted it, so the idea died. Then I started my first "alone" blog, on wordpress, but because of a minor "incident" with me writing a not-so-good post. I wanted to start over, and here we are. I started this! There it is. I've told the story behind this blog quick and short, so there isn't too much to read haha. I've had a couple if       problems with the layout, still have, but i'm working on it though. hope you enjoy x 

What a want to achieve

I don't really have a exact goal, but just some plans and ideas. The first thing is to make a vlog - start youtubing, which is halfway done. I'd like to have some dedicated readers, that shows interest and like what i'm doing. Comments on my posts and stuff, that's really it.